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Ressource de l'Avise
Date d'édition
juillet 2024

Assessing the societal impact of a policy dedicated to the SSE: Toulouse Métropole's approach

Publié le 09 juillet 2024 - Mise à jour le 06 janvier 2025
Avise has published a case study dedicated to the evaluation of Toulouse Métropole's SSE policy, based on an analysis of the impact of SSE enterprises benefiting from measures supported by the metropolitan policy.

An innovative approach to evaluation by assessing the impact of local SSE structures

Toulouse Métropole has been evaluating the impact of its actions in terms of economic activity and job creation since 2012. In view of enhancing the effects of its SSE policy, an approach to evaluating the indirect impacts of its policy was initiated in 2018 to integrate new indicators on societal impact. The approach aims to evaluate Toulouse Métropole's dedicated SSE policy, through analysis of the impacts of SSE companies benefiting from schemes supported by the local authority.


Ellyx, an innovation agency with expertise in evaluative approaches, is assisting the city in its approach to carry out an impact assessment, the results of which were communicated in June 2019. 

A useful assessment for the community and the local SSE ecosystem as a whole

The evaluation made it possible to demonstrate the added value of the SSE sector, through the assessment of 8 types of impact of its enterprises on the local area. In addition to the benefits for the local authority, this approach has enabled several SSE structures to benefit from an analysis and valuation of their impacts, with some of them having initiated reflections on the evaluation of their social impact.


The assessment carried out by the Toulouse metropolis can thus serve as an inspiration for other local authorities wishing to enhance the value of their policies in favor of the SSE, while at the same time integrating ecosystem players into the process.


Étude de cas
Évaluation de l'impact social

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