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Ressource de l'Avise
Date d'édition
juillet 2024

Assessing your social impact

Publié le 10 juillet 2024 - Mise à jour le 12 juillet 2024
Avise has published (in English) a methodological guide to provide information and tools for all those wishing to launch a "first steps" approach to social impact assessment, whatever the stage of progress of their project, using tools and methods adapted to their needs and resources.

Taking the first steps towards social impact assessment

Why assess social impact? How can you concretely embark on this process in a way that is adapted to your challenges and resources?

Aimed at managers of social economy companies and their teams, as well as support and financing players, this guide is designed to provide information and tools for all those wishing to take the first steps in assessing their social impact, whatever the stage of their project, by mobilizing tools and methods appropriate to their context, organization, challenges and resources.


In addition to defining and presenting the issues involved in social impact assessment, this guide offers practical tools to help with each stage of the process, as well as concrete examples to inspire and inspire action. It is based on exchanges with a wide range of actors (experts, SSE business leaders, sector networks, coaches and funders) and on the extensive work on social impact assessment that Avise has been carrying out for over 20 years.


1. Getting started with assessment 

  • What is social impact assessment?
  • Organising your approach
  • Obtaining assistance

2. Establish the purpose of the assessment

  • Defining your strategic aim
  • Review your missions and stakeholders 
  • Map out your expected impacts
  • Choose your assessment question

3. Measure your impact 

  • Choose the right methodology
  • Define your indicators 
  • Prepare your data collection
  • Carry out your data collection

4. Use the gathered data 

  • Analyse data 
  • Interpret the results 
  • Use the results 
  • Sustain your assessment approach


>> To find out more, discover the National Ressource Center on Social Impact Assessment 


Évaluation de l'impact social

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