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Sébastien Chaillou-Gillette, CRESS IDF
Date d'édition
avril 2024

Social Economy Strategy in Île-de-France region

Publié le 24 février 2025
This discussion paper, written by the Île-de-France Regional Chamber for Social and Solidarity Economy (CRESS IDF) and published by the DG EMPL of the European Commission, presents the strategy for social economy and social entreprises implemented in Ile-de-France region in France. The aim is to provide an inspirational testimonial for public authorities in other regions and countries.

Paper presentation

In France,  social economy is established on solid bases like the law on the Social and Solidarity Economy ("Hamon", 2014) and the law on the New Territorial Organisation of the Republic ("NOTRe", 2015). Nevertheless, there is no national strategy for social economy yet. Hence the importance of regional administrations to set up adequate strategies, as it is the case since 2018.


Île-de-France region went several steps further and defined its own ambitious action plan called "SRESS" for years 2022-2028. Its objectives are to facilitate the business creation process, support growth through innovation, align with green and digital transition standards, and enhace employment, especially by empowering individuals with disabilities or persons marginalised from the regular job market.


Table of contents

  • Brief summary
  • Situation in the region
  • The regional strategy (vision & objectives, administrative & institutional set-ups, consultation mechanisms / stakeholder engagement, visibility & recognition, monitoring & evaluation)
  • Results
  • Difficulties and contraints (access to real estate, secure long-term and stable economic model, global approach, moving beyond a strict economic approach towards long-term partnerships and sector coordination)
  • Success factors and transferability (specific recommendations for other Member States developping or setting up strategies, views on the further development of the strategy)
  • References


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