
Exemples : "Appel à projets", "Impact social", "Transition écologique", "Financements"

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Exemples : "Appel à projets", "Impact social", "Transition écologique", "Financements"
Exemples : "Appel à projets", "Impact social", "Transition écologique", "Financements"
296 résultats
Publié le 18/05/2022
The 6th of May, Avise co-organised together with Diesis network, REVES and RTES a workshop on "social economy and its potentiel for rural development in Europe" at the occasion of the "Social Economy, the future of Europe" Summit. Which conditions have to be met at the European…
Coopération territoriale
Publié le 31/05/2022
Le 6 mai, l'Avise, le réseau Diesis, le REVES et le RTES ont organisé un atelier sur "l'économie sociale et son potentiel pour le développement rural en Europe" à l'occasion du Sommet "L'économie sociale, l'avenir de l'Europe". Quelles conditions…
Coopération territoriale
Publié le 02/06/2022
The Rural Pact conference will bring together EU, national, and regional politicians along with local authorities, social and economic stakeholders in a participatory event that reflects the rural vision’s ambition and bottom-up character. This conference is organised by the Commission in…
Alimentation & agriculture durables
Actualité de l'ESS
Publié le 03/06/2022
Under the R.R.E.S.I. project led by ImpactCity Hague, Euclid Network and partners gathered best practices from across Europe in a report about policy-lessons on how local and regional governments create favourable ecosystems for social entrepreneurship. Discover their new Compendium of Good…
Coopération territoriale
Publié le 23/06/2022
Senior expert at DIESIS Network, an organisation specialised in supporting the development of the social economy, social entrepreneurship and social innovation, Anastasia Costantini conducted a research, published in 2021, investigating the potential contribution of social and solidarity economy (…
Économie sociale et solidaire

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